Membership Application Form

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Volunteers
  • Corporate Sponsors

Full Membership Benefits include:

  • Access to certain member only events and areas
  • The right to vote at General Meetings of the Society
  • To be part of the Society's committees governing all the operational activities
  • Access to Society owned tub molds and building space
  • After one year of membership, eligibility to become a Director
  • Agenda prior to the monthly meeting by email

Membership Responsibilities

As a member, your responsibilities are:

  • To actively participate in meetings and events regularly, as a racer, escort driver or volunteer
  • To provide clear and timely communication in response to meeting and/or event invitations
  • To volunteer, when available, at community service events, minimum of 4 hrs. per year
  • To maintain the Societies Constitution and by-laws
  • To help maintain a positive, friendly spirit and intent for all members to learn and grow
  • To pay membership dues on time
  • To be an ambassador for the Loyal Nanaimo Bathtub Society
  • To recruit new members for the organization


Not a member of the LNBS?

As per our Constitution & ByLaws

Part 2. – Membership

(4) The members of the Society are the applicants for the incorporation of the Society, and those persons who subsequently have become members, in accordance with these by-laws and, in either case, have not ceased to be members.

(5) A person may apply to the Directors for membership in the Society and upon acceptance by the Directors and upon payment of dues as shall be from time to time set by the Society, that person shall be a member and: (The following (a-c) being Special resolution passed in accordance with the Bylaw’s on Nov 3rd 2018)

(a)All Tub Pilots that have raced in the past year are members.

(b)Annual fee of $5 (Tub Pilots excluded)

(c)Member must perform 4 hours of Volunteer service annually to the LNBS

 Every member shall uphold the Constitution and comply with the Societies By-Laws.

(6) The amount of the first annual membership dues shall be determined by the Directors and thereafter the annual membership dues shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.


How to Join

Complete our Membership Application Form on this page, perform 4hrs of Volunteer work annually for the Society and then pay the $5 annual membership dues. This fee can be paid online or in person at next meeting.